What and When?
Lakeuden Panimojuhlat is a craft beer festival which will be held at 26-27 January, 2024. Doors will be open 5pm on Friday and 3pm on Saturday. This will be at the seventh time of Lakeuden Panimojuhlat. The previous year event was sold out so be quick to get your ticket. Age limit: 18 years.
Festival area of the event will be the indoor venue Rytmikorjaamo at Seinäjoki (address Vaasantie 11, 60100 Seinäjoki). Rytmikorjaamo located about 1,5 kilometre to city centre.
Põhjala Brewery (EE) || Bock’s Corner Brewery || CoolHead Brew || Fiskarsin Panimo || Haapala Brewery || Hailuodon Panimo || Husky Brewing || Kurikan Lakkitehdas || Kyrö Distillery Company || Lapin Panimo || Mallaskosken Panimo || Mallaskuun Panimo || Salama Brewing Company || Sonnisaari Panimo || Tornion Panimo || Tinto Roastery
You can see the menu of event here.
You get beer glass when you come to the event. There is two different sizes of beer; 1,5 decilitre and 3 decilitre. Prices are approximately 3,90-4,40€ for 1,5 decilitre and 7,80-8,80€ for 3 decilitre.
Street food restaurant Varicko. Menu:
- Halloumi French fries 7€ (L)
- Pork ribs 9€ (M, G)
- Pork burger 14,50€ (L, gluten-free +1€)
- Halloumi burger 14,50€ (L, gluten-free +1€)
- Bratwurst or vegetarian hot dog 10,50€ (L)
- Loaded mac’n’cheese 11€ (L)
- Sausage loaded fries 13€ (L, G)
Other activities
We are sorry that some of our activities are in finnish. At the below, the most English friendly program:
- Beer Friend (recommender) at FRI 5.30pm-7.30pm and SAT 4pm-6pm @ NEXT TO LASINPESU
- Beer Painting at FRI 5.30pm-7.30pm and SAT 7pm-9pm @ NEXT TO LASINPESU
- Open the Bottle -race at FRI 8pm-10pm and SAT 7pm-9pm @ NEXT TO LASINPESU
- Aeon Lux -performance show at 8:45pm (FRI and SAT) @ OHJELMALAVA
- Bingo at 9.30pm (FRI and SAT) @ OHJELMALAVA
- Beer Jooga at SAT 4pm @ LOUNGE
Friday: 15,00€
Saturday: SOLD OUT
2-days: SOLD OUT
Payment system
We accept only bank card (visa / mastercard).
If you have any questions, please ask: henri@selmu.fi
See you at the festival!